
Open Source Projects

I have 54 projects on Github

Windows UI development tools.

219 146

:octocat: leetcode-ac | LeetCode AC solutions | LeetCode+剑指offer+程序员面试金典careerup(cc189)

97 140


64 20


51 38

A simple Calculator using Caliburn.Micro (WPF with MVVM)

19 12

博客园主题-eXtremely Simple(极简)

13 3


11 18

Workaround to use the designer in WPF Core App (.netCore WPF).

9 4

Workaround to use the designer in WinForms Core App (.netCore WinForms).

7 10

极客玩家大白 - Github pages

5 0

C#刷遍Leetcode系列 Leetcode solutions written in CSharp.

5 0

:octocat: A curated list of awesome LeetCode Open Source projects and resource, namely the most popular Awesome LeetCode Open Source projects and resource.

5 3

Games in Windows Terminal

4 3

Source code for advanced .NET Debugging.

4 1

TinyNotepad, developed with Windows Froms in C#, generate related installer

3 3

snoopWpf online documentation

3 1

Syntax highlighting definition files for the Maple programming language for Notepad++ and UltraEdit Studio.

3 4


3 0

Xceed, Caliburn.micro

2 0

TinyCalculator-WCF, using method 1.

2 0

Simple parser for MSXML in cpp, can usually be used in COM and MFC development.

2 1

2 1

AlgoSolutions - LeetCode+剑指offer+程序员面试金典careerup(cc189)+zoj

2 20

✨special ✨ repository for about me.

1 1

vscode extension for Maxima.

1 0

An online tool to run Liquid code snippet.

1 0

Reading materials and notes

1 0

Maple Packages (mpl file)

1 0

Comments of Jekyll blog.

1 0

.NET interview - coding and QAs (.NET面试整理,欢迎投稿)

1 0

Sample code for the book .NET Gotchas: 75 Ways to Improve Your C# and VB.NET Programs

1 0


1 0

1 0

xslt transformation demo project (.NET core).

0 0


0 0

Stackoverflow上.net core相关回答整理翻译

0 0


0 0

Stackoverflow上asp.net和 core相关回答整理翻译

0 0

Machine learning Notes for Python 3 (NumPy, TensorFlow etc.), with interactive Jupyter notebook.

0 1

Machine learning Notes for C# (NumSharp, TensorFlow.Sharp and ml.NET etc.), with interactive Jupyter notebook.

0 0

玩转力扣 | 史上最全的LeetCode题解, 目前已完成450题。

0 0


0 0

Automatically exported from

0 0

Host images by Bravo Yeung.

0 0

PHP, Python, Ruby and Lua in one interpreter

0 0


0 0

This is a clone of + some scripts to setup

0 0

Blog site using core.

0 0


0 0

Crawler in C#

0 1

C++/CLI WPF project demo using VS2019.

0 0


0 0

剑指Offer2014 - 题解(C++版)

0 0



0 0